Our significant donors include:

  • Colleen Baker
  • The Baktun Foundation
  • Steve Bell and family
  • Cisco Systems, Inc
  • Victoria Collis and Riverpath Associates
  • The Comiskey Family
  • Laure and Thierry de Panafieu
  • Catherine Hiesiger
  • The Lehman Foundation
  • Lindblad Expeditions

  • Sven & Kristin Lindblad's Wanderlust Foundation

  • Linklaters LLP

  • Lorinet Foundation

  • The MacKenzie-Smith family

  • The Magid Family's Marble Foundation

  • The McKendrick family

  • The Nicholls family and The Australian Recruitment Company

  • The Ramsay family

  • The Rees family

  • The Rodondi family

  • The Ross family

  • The Rowe family

  • StarAnimalSundays Inc

  • The Sustainable Ocean Alliance

  • Mark Turner and family